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Powerful Dashboard
Our system offers a powerful dashboard where admin users can see the details like total number of events, total tickets sold even with a graphical view with live data.
POS is one among the major features where you can sell the tickets from the venue under each category by mentioning the number of tickets and collect the payment as either cash or Card. You can even print tickets from this.
Multiple Ticket Category
You can create multiple ticket categories as Early , Pre or Regular tickets and set date and time for each category to start and end with the number of tickets. Also the reports can be downloaded in CSV or PDF.
Print Ticket
Simply print the ticket by entering the serial number for the ticket. So customers can avoid the hassle of carrying the hard printed tickets.
Easy Check-In
With the easy check-in scan the QR code and provide access to the customers for your events.
Custom Events
You can customize the events the way you want. You can set custom designs for each events, customize on the user level or event level. And can have multiple types of events like Public or Private Events